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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Period 6's turn at the X

Airborne Heisman

Lateral leapfrog

Swing kicks

Run stance switch pick up

Jump squat

Period 4 tries their hand at the X

Mason twist

48, 49, 50.........

Airborne Heisman
Makana, in foreground, making sure everyone is working hard.

Run stance switch pick up

Period 5 sweating it to the X

Hip rock and raise

Fifer Scissor

Wide leg sit-up

Squat jumps

Period 3 sweats with the X

Airborne Heisman

Twist combo

Circle run

Swing kicks

Jump knee tuck

Period 1 doing the X

Circle run
Squat jumps

Run stance squat

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is what happens when you don't pay attention to detail...

Where's my IPOD???!!

Period 5 happenings today...P90X

P90X.....side to side obliques twists! Killer workout. Just any of these students!

Side V-ups. Another killer oblique workout.

Toe touches. They're all getting the X effect...shredded and lean!

Hip, rock, and raise. This targets the lower abs and hip flexors.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

So which is the best class?

Students, here is your chance to voice your bragging rights as to which is the best class. The class with the most comments from students will receive a one year's worth of bragging rights. You'll need to justify your comment with how you and your class is meeting the PE standards......remember: 1) movement forms, 2) cognitive concepts, 3) active lifestyle, and 4) physical fitness. Good luck and have a wonderful intersession break. Remember that we're doing a mile and a half when we get back.

Tell all of your classmates to log on and to comment!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Period 1 make up day.

Traleise gives Marina some support doing her one mile.
Myles smiles!
MaryJessica has no problem with her one mile. What running form!

Kela gives his best effort doing his run.

Duane plugs away, one mile at a time!
Eric ends on a good note trying to beat his best time.
Blade shows off his athletic prowess. No sweat doing his mile!
Craig smiles for the camera as he does his last lap.