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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Welcome to Kea'au High School's official Body Conditioning class blog site. Here, you will see updates on classroom happenings and appreciate what our students have to share as part of their demonstrating an 'Active Lifestyle.' Feel free to leave your comments.

Students, please comment on recommended posts as part of your assignment. You will be informed in class. I will look at your comments and grade you accordingly.


  1. So far i think that class is going really well for the fact we have a short period. As for my own personal goals i believe im satisfied with the way everything is going. I think that this site is cool and it gives lots of information about this class. This assignment is so much better than the 3 page essay :)

  2. So far i belive that my period body conditioning class is going very well. Our class started as a large class and as the year has gone along it has started to shrink to the benifit of the people left in the class. My goal for this year is to make it to the fun run and finish the 5K in 30 min or less.

    THIS IS THE BEST BLOG SITE IN THE WORLD!!! I just have one sugestion, to link this up to the keaau athletic booster website run by vancleave. It will make it so that people that are intrested in keaau athletics will be able to have a direct link to this web site.

    Daniel Boggeln

  3. Damn!!! this Blog is PRO!!!!

    I have to thankyou Mr.Taketa, this body conditioning class has helped my kendo out so much. Just to let you know this november i will be going to take my 2nd degree black belt test in oahu. I couldn't have gotten my stamina to were it is now without your help...

    I think that the most effective thing we do in class is the wide aray of exersises. it keeps me hurtin in a good way all over my body.
    I admit i haven't been getting the mile times i used to. I need to start pushing myself abit harder on the run. At least now i have good compition.
    I look forward to the Coconut Island run this year. I dind't do so good last year but i know this year will be way better..

    -Dylan Butler (homework)

  4. so far this class is going really good, I don't think that I'm doing perfect in this class but i I know that I can improve. I have to say that I'm really enjoying lifting weights and sometimes the runs. I wish I was pulling off the same times that I had in my sophomore year, but by keep pushing myself I know I can do it.So far I think that I"m doing pretty good in this class, and I'm glad to be spending my senior year in this class.

    I'm also learning alot in the GTPE class so it helps me better understand the FITT principle and why it is important to have an active lifestlye.
    As for meeting my goals I think I'm doing really well. I wanted to get back in shape and that's already happening. I also wanted to loose weight because thanks to the wonderful Canadian junk food I gained, well lets say more than five pounds. now thanks to this class and all the weight trainingand ruuning for XC I've gotten my weight down lower than it was before I left this past summer.
    I think that this site is really neat I think that picture of me looks kind of funny but hey I'm a goofball anyways. I think that if kids look at this site than they might want to join your class.

  5. Hey this blog is sick! It's so organized too. People should check this site out because they can get a better idea of what our classes are doing. I also can see what other class periods are doing. Super cool.
